Holistic Millionaire Podcast

You Were Born For This!

Shelley Riutta Episode 90

In this episode of The Holistic Millionaire Podcast, Shelley invites listeners to connect with their divine destiny and explore the spiritual gifts they were born to share. Drawing on her own experiences, she reflects on childhood passions that pointed to her path of building connection and community. Shelley emphasizes the urgency of embracing your unique purpose, especially in a time of collective transformation, and how aligning with your authentic self can lead to clarity in your life’s work.

Shelley encourages holistic professionals to step boldly into their calling, acknowledging that fears and conditioned beliefs can sometimes block progress. This episode is both a call to action and a reminder of the profound energetic connection that exists between you and the clients you are meant to serve.

Key Points From This Episode:

  • Discover how childhood passions can offer insights into your divine destiny
  • Explore the transformative power of connection and community in your work
  • Learn how fear and distractions can block you from your purpose—and how to overcome them
  • Understand the importance of alignment and clarity in serving your ideal clients
  • Tap into the unique energetic signature that makes your presence a healing force

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Shelley Riutta on Instagram 

Rise of the Holistic Millionaire Facebook Group

Holistic Millionaire Podcast

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Shelley (00:00.748)

Welcome back to the Holistic Millionaire Podcast. So excited to connect with you and so excited to be back. After I got back from Costa Rica, we had a few weeks with the holidays, but I'm so excited to be back. And I love the topic that we have for today, which is you were born for this. And when we're looking at the bigger picture of

the collective shifting that's going on. It feels more just urgent now for each and every one of us to really step into what we were born for. And I really believe that each and every one of us has a divine destiny that our soul intended when it came to the planet to really bring forward higher frequencies, shifts in consciousness, a higher way of being with your spiritual gifts.

and that you're getting the tap on the shoulder to really step forward and share those gifts as much as possible. Because I really believe with each life that we transform, we shift consciousness and each moment when you shift your consciousness, you shift the collective as well. So when we talk about you were born for this, for your divine destiny, oftentimes our calling is something that we

have awarenesses of as a child. was oftentimes things that we were doing, whether it's creatively or intuitively, things that we were drawn to. So if you can think back to how you spent your time as a child, oftentimes you can get clues to your divine destiny and what you are truly here to do. A big thing for me is working with video and as a child, I was

obsessed with our family videos and it felt like there was something in the videos and capturing these moments, moments of joy and connection. And I just would analyze these family videos and there was something about it that really was calling to me. so consequently, my first holistic business and then the holistic business school, I do a lot of

Shelley (02:26.072)

video, you know, that is a big part of how I've really grown and scaled my first business and then the holistic business school as well. The other thing that was important to me as a child was community. I always wanted to be in connection. I always wanted a bigger family. I remember crying to my mom, you know, seeing if we could get some more siblings. I had a friend down.

the block from us and she had a big family. They had like six kids and I thought that was like the best thing ever. The more people, the better. And so as I look at how things unfolded with my divine destiny in my first holistic business and this, a big part of what I have always loved is cultivating connection and community.

And that is where I think the best environments where we transform is in deep connection with each other. And I also think that is what people are craving collectively as well. Oftentimes people are trying to live lives of isolation, but they're unhappy, lonely, depressed, anxious. And oftentimes there's that disconnection from how much connection we really need. And I know

during the pandemic, many people discovered that they're like, wow, I didn't realize how much connection was essential to my wellbeing, to my happiness. So for me, community connection has always been a big part of my divine destiny. And really in my first holistic business, when I was seeing clients individually,

And I remember thinking, do I get these amazing clients to meet each other? How can I get them in the same room? And initially I started like with a in-person group and transformational workshops. And then I moved to a signature program. And of course, that's my favorite thing now is having a signature program where clients can on a daily basis.

Shelley (04:39.49)

be in connection, be in community, support each other, collaborate, uplift, inspire each other. I think it's the best way to really grow and transform. So you were born for this. What is the thing on the radar for you that you need to step into that is nudging you, bringing your work? Oftentimes for holistic professionals is getting your work out to a bigger audience, right? To get more people to

know that you're there, that you can support them in the transformation that you do. And so how do you get the word out there and how do you message in a way that speaks to the heart of your ideal clients? That's a key one. And what I have found is the best thing for that is alignment and clarity about what you came here to do. The closer you get to the core of your divine destiny, what you were born for.

you know, the easier it is to design what your signature program is and what the messaging is. But oftentimes there's not that support for as a child for your authenticity. And so oftentimes there's layers of the conditioned self that are kind of on top of your alignment, on top of your authenticity. And so it's that unfolding.

that clarity of what you're passionate about, what your spiritual gifts are. One of the questions I always like to ask clients, I always like to ask myself, with this configuration of spiritual gifts and experiences, who am I best here to serve and support? What kind of transformation can I support on the planet with this unique constellation of gifts?

and what is, where do I have that fire in my belly of who I want to serve? And for me, my passion is, you know, souls of service, other souls of service on the planet that are here to do great things, big things, you know, and shifting consciousness. That is where the fire in my belly is. It always has been to support other souls of service, bring their work into the world. I can't think of anything I would rather be doing.

Shelley (07:05.806)

than just working in the energy of that day in and day out. So just working in the context of supporting more transformation on the planet. So as you're reflecting on that, and it's always a process of refining that clarity, refining that awareness. And what I have found is it can happen just week by week, your...

getting into more clarity with your authentic self, with your direction and staying close to that. Particularly, you know, the way that I look at it collectively as things shift collectively, oftentimes your refinement of what you're here to do can shift and adjust. And that's why I like to just bring this to the table and have people get as close as possible.

with and oftentimes one of the things that you can follow that can help you go where you need to go is your passion, your excitement. You know, what is inspiring you? You do want to make a distinction between what is passionate and what is exciting for you and what is a distraction. Because I certainly can see that when people are getting closer and closer.

to their divine destiny, there can be a conditioned part that's afraid, afraid of them going full on forward, being visible, you know, really bringing those spiritual gifts into the world. There can be a fear. so unconsciously the conditioned self can start to block and distract. And of course, you're going to find something inspiring. One of the stories I like to tell is in the life purpose mentoring program.

there was one of my clients there that uncovered, you know, her life purpose in the three and a half month life purpose mentoring program. And at that time I, you know, was doing the program, you know, people would get clear about their life purpose. And then, you know, I would be like, go live your life purpose. Isn't this amazing? You have the clarity, right? And so this one client, came back like a year later and I remember.

Shelley (09:17.312)

just going to her and I'm like, my gosh, tell me about it. You got so clear about your life purpose. It was so amazing and exciting. So tell me what it's like to live your life purpose. Tell me what you're doing. And she had, because of fear, because of her conditioned self, got involved in something that was like a bright, shiny object. It was exciting. It was creative for her. And I'm

I'm like, why did you do that? And she was just like shaking her head like, yeah, good question. And she's like, I need to work with you again. And I need to work with you until I actually, you know, I need the support for the implementation for actually doing my life purpose. And that was so eye opening for me because it was like clarity alone wasn't going to ensure, you know, that she was going to get to her life purpose.

So this concept of you were born for this, that there's something only you can do, your unique configuration of spiritual gifts, your unique message, your unique way of sharing information. I always say that your ideal clients,

Oftentimes when they come to you and they're maybe in a transformational workshop or they're watching a video or they're reading something, reading your newsletter, reading something online is oftentimes your ideal clients will feel a connection, an energetic connection with you and they are drawn to you and you want to feel that energy. This is the

most beautiful energy to be in with ideal clients. And that is where you feel a soul connection. You feel soul alignment. You feel this flow of energy moving back and forth between you and between them. And this is who you want to be working with. And your ideal clients are looking for you. And that's why when you're feeling drawn to grow your business to the next level, it means your ideal clients are actually looking for you.

Shelley (11:23.084)

And you're feeling that energetic pull because you're already connected to them. Isn't that amazing?

So when you reflect on this idea of what were you born to do and only you can do this and really spend some time journaling on that. Some of you are already like, Shelly, I'm super clear. I know exactly what I want to do and desire to do and I'm passionate about doing it. I just don't know how to get there, right?

So some of you are in that situation where you're needing that guidance, the support, the coaching, the mentoring to actually, you know, take the steps that are going to get you to where you want to go with your holistic business. So that is something no matter where you're at in that journey, you know, of either clarity and then you need support to implement it or you are

in a place of, I thought I was clear, but now I feel confused. Continuing to reflect and to journal, you know, on, you know, I was born to do this and then fill in the blank and just write and just give yourself some space to express it. A lot of times that clarity, you know, I always say the clarity is in our authentic self.

Our authentic self already knows our divine destiny, what we were born to do. There's lots of clarity there. There's lots of confusion in the conditioned self, the fearful part of you that might be blocking it. So see if you can move into that loving wise adult and reassure the conditioned part of you that is safe for you to live your divine destiny, to do what you were born to do.

Shelley (13:23.758)

So reassuring and also going to your divine connection, your support from your spiritual guidance, from your spiritual team. I do believe with our divine destiny that we are co-creating, collaborating with the spiritual realm, with what we're bringing forward. So that's another thing that you can reassure yourself that you are not alone in bringing forward this beautiful energy, message, transformation.

that you can support your clients. Another thing to keep in mind is when we talk about your spiritual gifts, one of the most powerful spiritual gift is the energy of you, your essence, right? The energy when people are around you, what energy do they feel coming from you? We all have a unique energy signature.

It's like one of those things, like if you close your eyes and someone comes into the room, you can feel their energy. And oftentimes when you're a soul of service, when you're a healer, your energy field in and of itself is healing. It has a healing quality. And I remember sharing that with a client many years ago. I said, if a client came into the room, silently sat with you for the hour of the session, they would get.

a powerful transformation. So it's important for you to understand, you know, your energy frequency. And sometimes I, when I was working with clients and mirroring back like their energy and what I was witnessing in their authentic self, because I always thought it was amazing that people were unaware of their energy frequency. Like I could feel it. I could feel their energetic signature.

but they themselves could not feel it. So that is one of the things you can actually practice to feel your own energetic frequency. So that is something you can actually explore as well. So having that clarity, having that courage, and then asking your spiritual team and connection.

Shelley (15:41.166)

and ask for their directly ask for their assistance. Like help me do what I came here to do. Help me, you know, relieve any and release any fear, any friction, any self doubt. So I can fully line up with what I came here to do. So that's a good prayer, a good intention to have, um, to move forward with what you were born to do. So sending you big love.

I hope you have an amazing rest of your day. If you have not joined us in the rise of the holistic millionaire, then you can go right over to Facebook, type in the rise of the holistic millionaire, and you can join us. have, you can answer just a few questions. If you're needing support to grow and scale your holistic business, you can go to the holisticbusinessschool.com.

You can schedule a time to meet with someone on our team and find out more about what we're doing, how we could support you. We have amazing things planned for you in this next year. I can't wait to be on this journey. We have some things that are launching in a few weeks that I can't wait to share with you the details for that. So as we get closer, I will fill you in on that. So sending you big love, have an amazing rest of your day, and we'll see you on the next session.