Holistic Millionaire Podcast
Holistic Millionaire Podcast
Creating Momentum to Change the World
In this episode of the Holistic Millionaire Podcast, Shelley discusses the importance of creating momentum to transform the world and shift consciousness. She emphasizes the need for clarity and alignment before diving into action, explaining how periods of exploration can lead to breakthroughs. The conversation also highlights the role of spiritual connection in maintaining momentum and achieving goals faster than anticipated. A guided meditation is included to help listeners tap into their authentic selves and invite momentum into their lives.
Key Points From This Episode:
- Why creating momentum is essential for transformation
- The crucial element before taking action
- How periods of exploration can lead to alignment
- How to prevent self-doubt from hindering progress
- What can enhance momentum
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
Rise of the Holistic Millionaire Facebook Group
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Shelley (00:01.314)
Welcome back to the Holistic Millionaire Podcast. So excited to connect with you and I love the topic that we're going to be diving into, which is really talking about creating momentum to change the world. So if you've been a listener in the Holistic Millionaire Podcast, you know that I'm obsessed with creating transformation on the planet and I'm obsessed.
that you are creating transformation on the planet. And this is why this podcast means so much to me to support you. So today's episode is important because now more than ever creating momentum to transform the world, to shift consciousness is important. So you stepping up to the plate, you stepping in at a higher level.
bring your spiritual gifts into the world is so key and so critical right now. So what I wanted to dive into today is this concept of momentum. And when I look back on growing and scaling my first holistic business and then growing and scaling this holistic business, one of the key things that really impacted the trajectory, the expansion of each of those businesses is momentum.
And this is doing multiple things simultaneously to get traction and momentum in the business. And one of the things, and this is going to be funny as I was reflecting on this topic as we were diving into it, one of the powerful benefits of momentum in your business where you are just doing one thing after another, and oftentimes this comes after you've
gotten some clarity, right? The confusion, the exploration that you've been doing has settled down. And I do want to clarify when you're doing a lot of exploration, some of it is valid and coming from your authentic self. Some of it is a distraction and it is your conditioned self wanting you to keep exploring because it's nervous about the clarity.
Shelley (02:16.206)
that is underneath all the exploration that is just waiting there, that if you open up to the clarity, you're going to have to do some really scary things that really are uncomfortable for you. So it's actually better to stay in the confusion, the exploration. But when I'm coaching clients, I'm always able to sense like when an exploration phase is important and valid and what they need to do. And then often I'm able to discern
you know, when it actually is a distraction, when someone is hopping from one thing to another, and it's actually just delaying what needs to be done for them to get to where they want to go. So I want you to start to pay attention to that as well, because, you know, having faith, you know, periods of exploration are going to be part of the journey. And then from that exploration, you're going to
come into clarity, like new levels of alignment and clarity, which is beautiful. So it's going to be exploration, exploration, and then alignment and clarity will come to you. And then you'll be in that alignment and clarity for a period of time. And then you're going to go into another phase of exploration and then alignment and clarity. So with that, circling back to momentum, you know, that is
Oftentimes this momentum can come after you have that confusion, exploration, then you move into alignment and you move into that clarity. Then you can go off into a phase of momentum because you're creating momentum from alignment and clarity, which is different than creating, doing a lot of activity.
It's kind of like running in the wrong direction. It's like you run really fast, do a lot of things, but you're actually not getting to where you want to go. I'll give an example. There was a client that came into the holistic business school and she had been trying to build her business. She had been in another program. And when she came to us, as I was coaching her, I said, you actually had your ladder up the wrong tree.
Shelley (04:38.35)
This is why you weren't getting the traction and momentum because there was a deeper level of clarity and discernment about where she really, really needed to go. And so there was a period of exploration that led to the clarity. And now she's like so over the moon, thrilled and happy with what she's doing. So it is important.
before you get into the momentum to have that kind of clarity, to get the coaching and mentoring, to get the clarity, to create the momentum. So let's just talk about the momentum. The first concept of momentum and why I love it so much is when you're in momentum, when you've had that clarity and now you're moving into momentum where you're doing multiple things simultaneously,
to really create a surge to get to where you want to go, to expand in the way that you want to go. One of my favorite things about this is you don't have any wiggle room for the conditioned self to start to interfere because you just have a lot to do. It's like you don't have time to get into self doubt or fear because you just have so much on your plate, so many plans that you're doing, so much excitement about it. It's like there is no room.
Sometimes if I see someone struggling, whether they're in our program or if I'm coaching a friend, just supporting someone near me, sometimes it's the reason they're struggling so much is because they're not in momentum. There's just too much downtime for the conditioned self to just totally take over and create a lot of havoc. So don't even leave any wiggle room for that.
So that is one of the first concepts of creating momentum. The second thing with momentum is it frees you to be in your authentic self. It drops the conditioned self, the constriction, the limitation and really moves you into your highest gifts. It stretches you to go to where you think you can't go and you go there.
Shelley (06:58.85)
Because a lot of times people will think that they need to clear all their blocks, do all this deeper healing before they can do the scary thing in their business. Where oftentimes I'll coach people, I'm like, just do it. And that actually will free the energy up. And it creates, it's kind of like this unblock of like so much energy, right? So doing the thing, creating the momentum, doing the scary thing.
is the best way to create momentum, right? Is to just do it, right? And to not overthink because it's by doing it, you actually expand into all those gifts. You get traction and momentum. You also get feedback and even more clarity about what you need to do. So it's stepping into, you know, that one quote by Brene Brown, it's like stepping into the arena, right?
not doing it perfectly, but just stepping into the arena and actually taking action. The third principle of creating momentum is you're relying more on your spiritual connection and your intuition to be able to operate in a high state of momentum. A lot of times to be, it's like being in a flow state.
And it is relying on that guidance. It's relying on that the unseen, the spiritual dimension to move you to where you need to go. And it is through the momentum. It's that one of my favorite phrases is your spirit wants to move so much faster than your conditioned self. So when you start to get into an energy of momentum, it's like your spiritual team is like cheering. They're like, this is exactly what we want you to be doing.
to move and expand and create impact from this state of alignment and they can participate even more because you're in that more connected state to your authentic self, your spirit, you're at a higher frequency, more ideas are going to come to you, more divine unfolding and synchronicity is going to be allowed to happen from that.
Shelley (09:21.57)
So being in that flow state is part of what allows that momentum to be successful. The next thing with momentum is it's allowing you to, you know, to get to that big vision faster. It's going to allow you to collapse time. A lot of times when we're strategically planning things in our business and we're saying, Hey, I want to achieve this and
You're mapping out all these steps to get there. And then you come up with a timeframe that you think is just like, this seems like it would be this timeframe. What I have found is when people really step into massive momentum, oftentimes it's like they're, you know, collapsing time and they're getting to where they want to go faster. I'll give an example with one of our long-term clients. When she first started coaching with us, she was living on the East Coast.
She was longing to go back to the Pacific Northwest. And she's just like, well, this needs to happen and this needs to happen. then this needs to happen. So maybe like two to three years from now, then we will be able to do this, you know, move to the Pacific Northwest. And literally from the work that we were doing together, she collapsed time. And I, you know, I'll have to go back and ask because it was a while ago, but I believe it was like almost like just a year.
rather than the multiple years, now, she was able to collapse time and to get to like a region of the country that really lifts her spirits. And, you know, cause she was literally like dying in the place that she was living on the East Coast. It was not good for her at all. So by taking, you know, action and creating momentum, you can actually get to things that you want to get to faster than you believe.
So we're going to do a guided meditation to support you to move into momentum, to clear the blocks, be able to get into some of that clarity and start to move into a phase of momentum. So if you want to just close your eyes, taking a few deep breaths. And as you breathe, imagine roots extending from the bottom of your feet and the base of your spine.
Shelley (11:44.366)
And as those roots are extending, they're connecting to Mother Earth, feeling that vibrant vital energy of making that connection with Mother Earth. We are meant to be in connection with Mother Earth throughout the day. So just feel that beautiful loving connection.
Shelley (12:08.152)
Breathing full into your belly and then coming into that connection with your authentic self, your spirit.
Shelley (12:19.584)
and feeling that vital energy of your spirit excited about momentum and knows the different things it would like to do to create momentum. So just breathe into that and imagine being the loving wise adult for your spirit and saying, yes, we are going to go into momentum.
So just breathing into that, opening up to the energy of momentum of things moving faster, but in a way that feels joyful, it feels free, it feels fun. So just breathing into that, setting that intention of creating momentum and then using your exhale as you're breathing to just release any friction and barriers to momentum.
Breathing in the energy of momentum, breathing out any friction, any barriers to momentum.
And then inviting in your spiritual team and spiritual connection and just say, you know, I am open to momentum and I would love your support to create this joyful, you know, forward moving, expansive momentum in my business. I've come here to really transform and shift consciousness. And I am.
I am ready to go. I'm ready to be of service. And I know so many people are needing what I came here to share. So I am open and ready and would love your support. So just breathe that in.
Shelley (14:11.99)
asking your spiritual team and they're just so excited.
totally on board with supporting you in that momentum and traction. So taking another deep breath into your belly and receiving all of that love and support from your spiritual guidance, coming back into the room, tapping both of your feet on the floor, gently rubbing the tops of your legs, giving yourself a big squeeze, opening your eyes, stretching if you need to stretch.
Yay. And here we go. This is such perfect timing to create momentum in your life, in your business, and really open up to this beautiful time of you serving at the highest level, transforming, you know, so many lives, shifting consciousness. So together, we're working together here on the Holistic Millionaire podcast. just
you know, locking arms and we're saying, we are going to transform the world, you know, to create a world that works for all. We know we can do so much better and you are a big part of the puzzle and a big needed necessary, you know, someone stepping up to the plate. So I know you're ready for that and we're so excited. So sending you big love, have an amazing rest of your day and I can't wait to see you on the next episode.